Authentication API1

Important Information about this version : Razuna 1.5 features a new improved version of the API! For legacy issues, we still leave this version of the API around, but developers should develop against version 2 of the API!


  • Login
    • Method
    • Input Parameter
    • Output Value
    • SOAP: Sample Request
    • REST: Sample Request
    • Sample Output
  • Loginhost
    • Method
    • Input Parameter
    • Output Value
    • SOAP: Sample Request
    • REST: Sample Request
    • Sample Output

Each request to the API has to be authenticated first. Without authentication your request to the API will fail. The authentication system takes in the host id and username/password to authenticate. It returns a session token that will be used for subsequent calls into the system. The SessionToken returned will expire if not used within 30 minutes.

Using a shared account?

If you don’t know the hostID you can alternatively use the loginhost method!

User name : You have to log on with a user that is either in the System administrator or Administrator Group.

Host ID : You can lookup the host id in the Administration under Hosts or if you use the Razuna Hosted service under your account page.


The Login method is used to login to the system and generate a Session Token restricted to the caller’s IP address.


Method Name

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required
hostid This is the host id under which you want to access the assets Numeric yes
user A user in the system administrator or administrator group String yes
pass The password of the user String yes
passhashed Password is MD5 encrypted or not Numeric 1 = true ; 0 = false

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
Response A result code with the status of the login. If the result is 0 the method was successful. 0
SessionToken A token that represents the logged in user. 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943

SOAP: Sample Request

Authentication auth = new Authentication();
string sessionToken = auth.Login(hostid, user, pass, passhashed);

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


The Loginhost method is used to login to the system and generate a Session Token restricted to the caller’s IP address.


Method Name

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required
hostname Enter the name of the subdomain, example “” String yes
user A user in the system administrator or administrator group String yes
pass The password of the user String yes
passhashed Password is MD5 encrypted or not Numeric 1 = true ; 0 = false

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
Response A result code with the status of the login. If the result is 0 the method was successful. 0
SessionToken A token that represents the logged in user. 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943

SOAP: Sample Request

Authentication auth = new Authentication();
string sessionToken = auth.Loginhost(hostname, user, pass, passhashed);

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>